High-performance, environmentally safe, liquid organic fertilizer "RIVERM”
Principles of environmentally safe agriculture / High-performance, environmentally safe, liquid organic fertilizer "RIVERM”

"Riverm” is a liquid, suspension, environmentally safe, organic fertilizer of a new generation.

"Riverm” production technology lies in extraction of nutritive and bioactive substances from biohumus with the help of hydrolic and mechanical dispersion. Dispersed biohumus mixes with water in a special hydrodiffusion plant. It is known that, being electrically neutral, a water molecule has two poles, i.e. it is a dipole. Because of this, water molecules can form compounds of different complexities with charged particles of dispersed biohumus. Thus, biochemical composition for the "Riverm” fertilizer is not so much important as its structure, like an entire self-organizing system, which provides natural biological activity of the fertilizer. "Riverm” structural order provides safety of microorganisms and its life products, such as ferments and growth substances. Useful microbiocenoses accelerate nitrogen compounds transformation in soil (optimize humus content of soil), stimulate the processes of cellulose decomposition to bioactive substances, promote nitrogen fixation, phosphorus organic compounds transformation into mineral assimilated forms and produce a number of bioactive substances (vitamins, aminoacids, auxins) fostering the growth and development of plants. Multiple experiments and studies of agrichemical and physical properties of "Riverm” have shown that it shouldn’t be considered uniquely as the fertilizer in its traditional sense. The functional range of "Riverm” is wider.

Approximately in 20 minutes after spray treatment the working solution of "Riverm” penetrates in a plant’s cells and reaches its root system, providing ionic interchange with soil. Because of that the plant can extract even combined (dead) water from soil. Ionic link between the root fibers and leaf area bounds water molecules and does not allow them to evaporate. It ensures the plant resistance to drought and frosts.

Essentially, being a solution with biophysical properties, "Riverm” raises protoplasm’s hydrophilic behavior and increases its water-holding capacity, positively effecting on synthesis of proteins, amylase, fats, and carbohydrates. "Riverm” functioning is associated with processes of electrons transition from one catalyzed protein to another, which must be considered as a basic result of redox reaction in a cell. It specifies the biological rhythm of a cell vital activity and ensures a plant capability to have a strict periodicity of physical and chemical processes.

To perform all the processes of vital activity water and nutritive substances must enter a cell. The faster nutritive substances take part in metabolic process the more intensive a plant consumes them providing its normal growth and development.

In normal solutions dissolved substance is smoothly distributed as separate molecules. The higher the substance concentration is the higher its activity is and thus its chemical strength. But the membranes of the live cells can transport certain molecules of substances presenting selective ability that depends on the membrane nature. Besides, molecules are bigger than ions and so their transportation through the membrane is always more difficult and slower.

All the interactions of a plant and water have not biochemical but biophysical properties and perhaps physical and chemical.

"Riverm” is a substance with electrovalent (ionic) bond that consists of positively and negatively charged ions, bounded with electrostatic attraction. The concentration of microelements in it is not higher than 1,5% of the total volume that corresponds the European standard. Furthermore, disperse biohumus plays the role of ions carrier. Because of the difference of electric potentials, which arise on both sides of a membrane, cations and anions come through it faster and quickly take part in metabolic processes in cytoplasm. Their excess diffuses with vacuole. Because of that there is no balance between ions’ composition in outward solution and their presence in a cell sap. It ensures normal functioning of all the parts of the plant and, what is very important, the phloem unloading. At that, "Riverm” performs not only the function of plants nutrition, but the ability to remove toxins and other products of vital activity.

The cells’ vacuoles contain saline solutions, glucose, organic substances and amino acids, that is why they are constantly absorbing water producing the turgor pressure. Therefore the "Riverm” working solution is close to clear water activity. If the solution will be more concentrated than a cell, water from the cell will transmit to the solution. That is why usage of chemical solutions, the molecules of which does not contain ions, depends on the concentration gradient. Real flow for the molecules of such solutions is always performing from the source, where the concentration is higher, to those areas where the concentration is lower. At that, the higher the concentration is the higher the solution activity is and consequently the osmotic pressure. Applying such solutions a cell is forcedly filled with substances restoring the balance between itself and the solution. Water stops entering a cell and the activity of photosynthesis decreases. If the vegetative period of a plant is determined wrongly, there is a probability of water outflow from a cell to the solution. This is the difference between biochemical and biophysical solutions to which "Riverm” is relative.

Preparing of the "Riverm” working solution depends on physical and chemical properties of water in which it is diluted. At that, percentage in water amount is more important than the fertilizer’s amount per a unit of square. Water molecular lattice that has different composition can take different amount of "Riverm” (from 1% to 5%). The rate of "Riverm” application also depends on species of plants and their vegetative periods.

Being an alkalescent solution "Riverm” has good fungicidal properties and protects plants from grey foot rot, odium and other fungus diseases.

"Riverm” mixes well with other crop protecting agents and at the same time their quantity per a unit of square decreases but the effectiveness increases.

The most important property of "Riverm” is its enrichment with azotobacters and phosphobacters, which fix air nitrogen and deminerelize heavy and saline soils, and thus increasing their fertility.

Nowadays "Riverm” has shown itself to good advantages not only in Ukraine but in such countries like Pakistan, Turkey, and Poland and so on. Environmentally safe products of natural origin are the future of the farm production.